Specialist CPD accredited online training for NMH support staff in line with DSA-QAG QAF requirements

Cosmic People are a DSA registered provider of NMH (Non- Medical Helper) support and a CPD accredited training provider.

Cosmic People’s CPD accredited modules are specifically designed for NMH support staff and we offer the relevant training modules as recommended in the DSA Quality Assurance Framework.

(1.16) Support Worker Training "The NMH provider must ensure that all support workers have undertaken training on the undernoted areas..."

(2.4) Maintaining CPD & Training records "The NMH provider must ensure that all support workers undertake CPD and relevant training annually..."

Cosmic People CPD Modules:

  1. Confidentiality & Data Protection
  2. Health & Safety
  3. Lone working & Risk Assessment
  4. Safeguarding
  5. Professional Boundaries
  6. Disability Awareness
  7. Specialist note taker training for visual impaired and hearing-impaired students
  8. Autism Training
  • The modules are accessible online via a password and can be accessed and completed in a flexible manner
  • A pass rate of 85% is required, the candidate can attempt the modules multiple times
  • CPD certificates for each module are issued electronically usually within 48 hours of submission
  • All CPD accredited training is free to our employees
  • Our CPD training can be purchased by external candidates

For further information or to book your CPD training, please email: enquiries@cosmic.co.uk or call 01283 716333 or 07780 602250

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